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Morning beat @ Smelteverket - Kim Young ill

Morning Beat tar turen til Smelteverket Tirsdag 24.09.24

En herlig start på dagen med fellesskap gjennom dans og bevegelse. Det serveres deilig frokost og leskende juice under arrangementet. De som ønsker kan også kjøpe billett til Yoga.

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Introducing Morning BEAT Club Concept

At Morning BEAT, we adhere to a strict no-drugs and no-alcohol policy. Instead, indulge in an array of fresh juices, smoothies, no-alcohol beverages and mocktails.

07:00-09:00 - THE MUSIC

09:00-10:00 - THE YOGA: Strekk ut og ro ned etter dans

Coffee and tea, and occasionally mocktails and juice will be available for purchase.ㅤ

You can buy a light breakfast and we offer free fresh fruitㅤ

Come get glittered up!ㅤ

Dress up or dress down, we don't judge! However, we do love theme based costumes.ㅤ

- Early Bird - 90,-
- Student/Honnør - 160,-
- Dance + Yoga - 250,-
- Just Dance - 200,-

deephouse organic melodichouse minimal techno house deep industrial


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